What’s in an IV?
Search for any ingredient you’re interested in - if it’s in Elivate’s IVs you should find it!
Of course one of the most common questions we get is this one - if you’re curious, this section is for you!
We have a detailed ingredient page for each of the 17 ingredients we include in our Elivate IV FUELs.
In our menu, each IV links to the ingredients in it.
In this section, each ingredient page also shows which IV that ingredient is in.
Here are the ingredients you benefit from in Elivate IV FUEL.
Ingredients are 100% absorbed
IVs are the only way to ensure your body absorbs ALL the hydration and nutrients you need.
We use both intravenous & oral supplements because different vitamins & nutrients are available in these two methods.
Intravenous supplements are the most effective way to balance your body’s building blocks, so taking something via IV is always a more efficient and cost-effective way to get the supplements your body needs.
Here’s the percentage your body absorbs from the bloodstream and oral supplements:
Why do I need IV or QS therapy if I’m healthy?
IVs are a key part of an Elivated Wellness journey. IVs are another way to balance your body’s building blocks, and they work most effectively in combination with oral supplements.
Even those of us who have the best of healthy routines are exposed daily to numerous toxins - Elivate IV therapy helps keep our circulatory system clean, improves cellular health, and helping rid the body of substances that it would not sufficiently break down.
IV therapy helps prevent issues, supports immunity, enables peak performance, and speeds recovery and prevents injury. IV therapy can boost your well-being and ensure you are feeling your best for every adventure.